
文化学人 2024-02-21 21:48:09

The life story of Ryan Su is a journey filled with challenges and resilience. In 2000, he embarked on the journey of immigrating to the United States, facing initial hardships. During high school, Ryan Su encountered serious language barriers and racial discrimination, causing him distress and helplessness. Despite facing similar challenges in his work, even during his service in the U.S. Army, he couldn't escape these troubles.

Even after his military service, Ryan Su continued to face challenges, but he didn't give up, showing inner strength and determination. Assigned to the New York City Taxi and Limousine Commission as a police officer, Ryan Su remained dedicated, assisting the American Chinese community by translating even during holidays. He rose from an officer to an inspector, maintaining his care and support for the Chinese community, always advocating for their rights and welfare.

He silently pledged to help other Chinese individuals facing similar challenges, fighting against discrimination due to language barriers. Through platforms like TikTok, he spreads love and support for the Chinese community, using his legal knowledge to advocate for their rights and create a sense of belonging for them abroad.

Believing that as descendants of the dragon, American Chinese individuals should be confident and brave, Ryan Su showcases resilience, dedication, and a sense of social responsibility, inspiring others to bravely face difficulties and help wherever possible. Through his experiences and actions, he becomes a beacon for the Chinese community, setting an example for others and spreading warmth and hope.

Ryan Su's story is one of resilience, dedication, and social responsibility, motivating people to face challenges bravely and strive to help others. Through his experiences and actions, he becomes a flag-bearer for the American Chinese community, setting an example and bringing warmth and hope. His life journey is touching, demonstrating his selfless dedication and efforts for the community.







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