
书画艺术圈 2024-04-18 16:10:40


2024 marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, as well as the year of cultural tourism between China and France. It coincides with the return to Paris, the starting point of the modern Olympic movement, 100 years after the Olympic Games. Both China and France have brilliant civilizations, two shining pearls that often complement each other in the long river of human history. The Chinese Art Exhibition "From Beijing to Paris - Olympic Tour of Chinese and French Artists" serves as a bridge for artistic appreciation, cultural exchange between China and France, cultural exchange, and spiritual exchange, spreading the cultural and spiritual connotations of the Olympic movement to the world. Chinese artists will engage in heart to heart dialogue with the world through their works, allowing the world to see a thriving, confident, and open China.

On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, the central media, in collaboration with numerous mainstream media, reports and broadcasts from all angles on the platform, allowing Chinese artists and art enthusiasts to better inherit and showcase China's vast and profound brilliant culture.





Cao Guosheng, born in 1948 in Linqu County, Shandong Province, is a member of the Communist Party of China. He holds a master's degree in calligraphy and painting, and is a calligraphy and painting mentor. He is an international first-class calligrapher and painter, a national first-class artist, and a national senior calligrapher.

I am currently the Executive Vice Chairman and Secretary General of the China Artists Exchange Association, a member of the China Hard Pen Calligraphy Association, an advisor to the Asian Calligraphers and Painters Association, an Executive Director of the Beijing Jinghuage Calligraphy and Painting Institute, Honorary Dean of the Tokyo National Cultural Research Institute, Deputy Director of the Confucius Art Museum, Art Director of the Art Style Program of China Satellite TV, a member of the Calligraphy and Painting Working Committee of the Collection Art Network, a specially appointed art consultant for the CCTV "Art Masters" program group, Vice President of the Beijing Ancient and Modern Calligraphy and Painting Institute, Vice President of the World Intangible Cultural Heritage Research Institute, a specially invited editorial board member of the Chinese Intangible Cultural Heritage Inheritance Figures Yearbook, and a member of the Yachang Artists.

Awarded the titles of Chinese State Guest Ceremony Artist, Senior Chinese National Ceremony Artist, Chinese National Treasure Art Master, Chief Artist of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Yellow Pages, National First Class Artist, Contemporary Famous Calligrapher of China, Outstanding Artist of the New Great Wall of China, Favorite Chinese Artist and Most Promising Chinese Artist in the Collection Industry, Outstanding Artist of Contemporary China, Master of Contemporary Chinese Art, Ambassador of Asian Cultural Communication, Most Influential Artist, World's Most Valuable Investment and Collection Artist, Top Ten Masters of Chinese Studies, China's International Most Promising Collectible Artist, Model of Chinese New Era Calligraphy and Painting Art, and New China Cultural Envoy.

Winners of the "China Golden Snake Award", the highest honor award in culture and art, enjoy the highest academic treatment of China Painting and Calligraphy Yellow Pages, the winner of the "Golden Rooster Award", the "World Outstanding Chinese Artists Collection Award - Most Investment Value Award", the "Global Art Investment Summit Award", etc.

The works and art introductions are included in more than 20ic books, including the "World Celebrity List", the "One Generation Fang Family" Nine Famous Artists Art Appreciation National Ritual Collection, the "World Contemporary Art Masters Ceremony", the "Chinese Art Role Model Yearbook", the "Perfect Artists" State Council State Guest Ceremony (National Ritual Level) Collection, the "Beautiful China" (7th China Singapore Calligraphy and Painting Masters Exhibition), the "Chinese Intangible Cultural Heritage Inheritance Figure Yearbook", the "Da Hongpao" Collection "Chinese Modern Calligraphy and Painting Masters Boutique Collection", and the "Chinese Artist Cao Guosheng Album".

The works of the "Celebrating the 70th Anniversary of the Founding of the United Nations New York Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition" were exhibited at the United Nations Headquarters, and the works of the "7th China Singapore Calligraphy and Painting Masters Exhibition" were exhibited in Singapore. They were awarded the title of "China Contemporary Most Valuable Calligrapher and Painter" by the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles China Contemporary Calligrapher and Painter Selection Committee. The contracted artists of the CCTV Calligraphy and Painting Channel, the Confucius Art Museum, and the Lanting Font Library Engineering Working Committee specially invited them to serve as the "Lanting Cao Guo Sheng Ti" font designer. The works have been collected by the Great Hall of the People Management Bureau, the National Museum, and the National Library of China. Theic works have been distributed, exhibited, and circulated around the world.



潘深亮 单国强 吕长生

Evaluation of Cao Guosheng's Calligraphy and Painting Works

Zhao Ziang, one of the "Four Masters of Regular Script", believes that "calligraphy and painting are equivalent" and advocates incorporating calligraphy into painting, using painting to write books, and that calligraphy and painting share the same origin. Mr. Cao Guosheng is a contemporary master who combines calligraphy and painting. Mr. Cao Guosheng's works have been explored and completed in various books, with a profound cultural background that is not limited to techniques but in line with the Tao. The strokes are thick and powerful, and the characters are broad, broad, and thick. The ink and brush complement each other, taking into account the changes in details, making the overall work more vivid and dynamic. In terms of Mr. Cao's current level of work, given time, it will surely shine brightly.

Pan Shenliang, Shan Guoqiang, Lv Changsheng



中国书法家协会顾问 权希军

Works of Calligrapher Cao Guosheng

Mr. Cao Guosheng's works showcase a refined and rustic charm, paved with gold and stone. Observing his works, he has a sense of propriety in his thinking, layout, brushstrokes, and brushstrokes. He is vigorous and natural, not overly concerned with precision, beauty, ugliness, gains and losses. What he wants is the simple beauty and natural interest of casualness and leisure. His calligraphy creation structure is refreshing, smooth and symmetrical, with a square and round brush, "hiding the head and protecting the tail, and the power in the characters". The flesh and blood are evenly distributed, elegant and ancient, with a distinct personality and a unique style.

Advisor to the Chinese Calligraphers Association, Quan Xijun

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