
每日学英语 2024-01-03 11:17:10

Officially known as Santa Iglesia Catedral Primada de Toledo and unofficially as Dives Toledana (which means the Rich Toledan in Latin), the Toledo Cathedral is a Roman Catholic church built in a Gothic style.

托莱多大教堂的官方名称为Santa Iglesia Catedral Primada de Toledo,非正式地被称为Dives Toledana(在拉丁文中意为富有的托莱多人),是一座哥特式风格的罗马天主教堂。

The site where now the cathedral stands has a long history. There was originally a 6th-century Visigothic basilica.


In the 11th century, it was consecrated to Christianity again and at the beginning of the 13th century, the construction of Toledo Cathedral started. Over 200 years later, the works on the main nave were finished.


One of the most outstanding features of the Cathedral is the Baroque altarpiece called El Transparente. Its name refers to the unique illumination provided by a large skylight cut very high up into the thick wall across the ambulatory behind the high altar, and another hole cut into the back of the altarpiece itself to allow shafts of sunlight to strike the tabernacle.

大教堂最显著的特色之一是被称为“El Transparente”的巴洛克风格的祭坛画。它的名字源于一个在高耸的厚墙上的大型天窗,它位于高祭坛后面的回廊内,另有一个孔被切割到祭坛画的后面,以便太阳的光线能够照射到圣餐台。

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