
普慧空间 2024-01-15 14:01:43


作 者:申伟光


特约编辑:申 思


经 销:新华书店

成品尺寸:205mmx 285mm 16开

版 次:2023年10月第一版

书 号:ISBN 978-7-5166-7200-6

定 价:260.00元


佛心化书艺 笔落悲悯生




真 180cm×97cm 水墨纸本 2023











灯 145cm×76cm 水墨纸本 2022






光 102.5cm×100cm 水墨纸本 2021




悲鸣 144.5cm×75cm 水墨纸本 2022



傲骨 137cm×69cm 水墨纸本 2023




大勇 140cm×70cm 水墨纸本 2021




大愿力 141cm×69.5cm 水墨纸本 2021







Conscious mind turns into calligraphy Writings on the page express compassion

——A conversation about Shen Weiguang’s calligraphy

Author: Chen Xiaoxin

When it comes to my relationship with Mr. Shen Weiguang, Shen Si and Shen Minghui (the three generations of the family), I must be a veteran. Shen Weiguang is from an artist with true temperament and a strong man from Northern China, to one of the most outstanding contemporary artists in China. Since 1990s, he has become a devout Buddhist and a lay Buddhist painter. I am a witness to this process. And then I watched Shen Si’s growth. When I first met Shen Si, he was three or four years old, and he grew up, married, had child, and followed in his father's footsteps. To understand the“Repeated Characters”Calligraphy, I specially read the Preface of Touring Exhibition of Shen Weiguang’s “Repeated Characters” Calligraphy written by Shen Si. I feel that Shen Weiguang finally has a successor to take over his career, and I am very happy. Finally, I witnessed the growth of Shen Minghui, from holding him in my arms until now he is 16 years old. He is also a staff member of Shen Weiguang Art Gallery, and is also engaged in Weiguang's career. I am very lucky to witness the growth and change of the three generations. It is indeed a very deep friendship. As an old friend, I am fully understanding of Wei Guang's career, and will do my best to support him, there is no doubt! So today, when Shen Si comes to me for writing a preface for this book, I am obliged to do so.


Shen Weiguang's writing is a kind of spiritual performance art in a special sense. It falls into two broad categories:

1.The act of writing Sutras in the religious sense:

For transcribing or repeatedly transcribing a whole piece or a whole volume of sutras and scriptures, some of the sutras are voluminous and have a vast number of words. This copying is not only the work of a half year, and it consumes strength, energy, mind and blood for years and years. Some even are transcribed with the writer’s own blood. The power of willingness is extraordinary, and even can touch the heaven and earth!

The religious, sacred, solemn, pure and ceremonial nature of the writing in the religious sense is the first. The artistry of writing is secondary. Regular script or the combination of regular script and official script is the main form of this calligraphy. It is neatly arranged and has a certain ornamental value and impact on the mind and body.

2.The other major part is the writings in the secular sense. Its content involves ancient poetry, slang, epigrams, aphorisms, proverbs and so on. This calligraphy is often legible, and it is filled of the spirit of compassion and the exhortative, beneficial humanistic feelings (The religious connotation has been relatively weakened). At the same time, the artistry of the writing has been strengthened and prominent, so it has the value of calligraphy art and history. It is worth deep research both for today and later generations.

I dictate a doggerel for everyone:

The conscious mind turns into calligraphy, and it shows the effort of cultivation in everyday.

The writings on the page express compassion, and the charm of calligraphy becomes intense.

The strokes are thin, crooked, curved and swerving, and the form appears in the formless.

I miss the people of virtue of the older generations in my old age, and I realize that Zen and calligraphy are connected.

In particular:

(1)The existence of Calligraphic Imagery: the strokes and structures have imagery, and Zen koans are hidden in them. It is very interesting. This is also one of the main bases for me toify his calligraphy works as "Zen Calligraphy". Shen Weiguang himself also said that he writes calligraphy as a painter. He said, “If you look at my calligraphy, you will feel a lot of pictographic meaning, which is the image thinking. I developed it, and made it more exaggerated. I made the imagery and the pictograms more intense.” (According to Shen Weiguang’s Conversations, p132). Ancient remarkable calligraphers also emphasized "Calligraphic Imagery", such as Su Dongpo, Huang Tingjian, Zheng Banqiao, as well as Hongyi, Feng Zikai in modern times,etc. Shen Weiguang makes it more abundant, extensive and exaggerated, and it becomes a remarkable feature of his own calligraphy. It is also a breakthrough in the morphological meaning of calligraphy.

(2)The unconventional writing is varied, informal and unique. It not only integrates regular, running, official and seal script, but also integrates the study of tablet inscription and rubbing. Once he told his students: “Some characters’ strokes are very powerful and meaningful, and they make people feel a sense of gravity and quiet, and even a sense of eternity. Some characters are written with great dexterity, and they are very beautiful, making you very relaxed and not persistent, but not simply easy. They contain a lot of things. Some other characters are very childish, very childlike and very straightforward, but contain a lot of things worth playing with.” (According to Shen Weiguang’s Conversations, p127) The above three kinds roughly summarize the characteristics of his calligraphy. In addition, what is more important and crucial is the attitude of writing. He believes that by writing the lines of the calligraphy, you can experience more of the essence of life. All of your energy condenses at the end of the pen. (According to Shen Weiguang’s Conversations, p192-193) He further emphasized, “If you convey the feeling of Vajra Bodhichitta through the lines of calligraphy……As soon as the strokes appear, it feels like a power between heaven and earth!” (According to Shen Weiguang’s Conversations, p193) What I feel in his individual works (such as "Compassion"慈悲Cibei, "True"真Zhen, etc.) is precisely such a power!

(3)The super-utilitarian mentality and the super-utilitarian writing possess each other and combine with each other, and have full feelings of helping the world.

Note: About Zen Calligraphy, I am thinking of Bada Shanren, Hongyi and Feng Zikai (There should be many more). Their calligraphy is unique, and much higher than ordinary calligraphers.

The base of the “Repeated Characters” Calligraphy is Tao. Why do we need to write? What is the ultimate meaning of calligraphy? Only by establishing this base and reflecting this "Tao", can we talk about his "uniqueness" in artistic language. These unique artistic languages of Shen Weiguang are built on this base and attached to "Tao". So Shen Weiguang’s art is “Integration of Art and Tao”, “Integration of Calligraphy and Calligrapher”.

“Integration of Art and Tao” or “Integration of Calligraphy and Calligrapher” is the highest level of calligraphy. Nothing more! Shen Weiguang’s art is “Integration of Art and Tao”,“Integration of Calligraphy and Tao”and “Integration of Calligraphy and Calligrapher”. Why? Because Shen Weiguang’s every mind is “Living beings are infinite, I vow to liberate them all”, “Strengthen the energy of spirit”and “Art is the embodiment of the whole life”. Shen Weiguang emphasizes the "Self-nature", "Blank Essence" and "Buddha Nature" in his calligraphy, and these works show “Tao of calligraphy” and the base of calligraphy. So, Shen Weiguang’s “Repeated Characters” Calligraphy and other calligraphy works, are "new-style writing" in the sense of breaking through the traditional calligraphy. Therefore, to discuss Shen Weiguang's "new-style writing" from the perspective of traditional calligraphy will inevitably miss the point.

The “Repeated Characters” Calligraphy is a new writing, and it is from repeated chanting (the most important way to practice Pure Land Buddhism). Now I am also chanting "Namo Amituofo"(南无阿弥陀佛) every day, and this is “repeated chanting”. So, Shen Weiguang’s “Repeated Characters” Calligraphy originates from repeated chanting and becomes calligraphy.

Shen Weiguang's calligraphy is divided into two categories: one is called "sacred writing", or "religious writing", "transcendental writing". Now there are several oversized works in the exhibition hall of Shen Weiguang Art Gallery(400cm×300cm), which are highly admired and respected. He started with this kind of writing. Another type of calligraphy is universal and secular, and can be integrated into the public and society. These two types of calligraphy have obvious differences in both mentality and form, but in essence, both of them are the writing of "Integration of Art and Tao". Their bases are the same, but their forms are different.

Therefore, I summarize his “Repeated Characters” and “Single Character” Calligraphy as: “From the line to the observation, from the writing to the calligraphy, from the form to the essence, from the layout to the realm”. The core and focus is the “line” of “from the line to the observation”, and it is a “big article”! It is the "meta-language" of Chinese painting and calligraphy. It is also the crystallization of the great efforts of Chinese literati calligraphers and painters, and one of the watersheds of Chinese and Western art. After all, calligraphy is the art of “lines”, and the function of “line” reflects the quality and character, reflects the beauty and ugliness of color and form, reflects the change of layout and structure, etc. It determines the level of calligraphy, so it needs to be treated and researched with caution.

1.The function of “line”:

About the “line” of “from the line to the observation” in Shen Weiguang’s calligraphy, how do we understand its function? According to some of Shen Weiguang's own opinions, I summarize it into the following four points: First, it is a natural revelation of the self-nature and the Buddha nature. Shen Weiguang said, “If you convey the natural feeling of Vajra Bodhichitta through the lines of calligraphy, what a feeling it is! As soon as the strokes appear, it feels like a power between heaven and earth!” When you use the writing brush, the self-nature and Buddha nature flow naturally.

The second function of “line” is an experience and confirmation of the essence of life. As he himself said, "By writing lines, one can also experience more of the essence of life. The lines of calligraphy can also convey your experience of life and other aspects." This is the second function.

The third function of “line” is the embodiment of a strong spirit and personality power. As Shen Weiguang himself said, "Some characters’ strokes are very powerful and meaningful, and they make people feel a sense of gravity and quiet, and even a sense of eternity!” I summarize it as the third function, which is the power of spirit and personality.

The fourth function of “line” is an intermediary that connects heaven and earth in the universe. This is what he said, “As soon as the strokes appear, it feels like a power between heaven and earth!” It is clear that in the process of writing, he felt an interaction with the universe. So this is a function of the highest level of "line".

These four aspects are reflected very well in his use of lines. When we appreciate the "Repeated Characters" Calligraphy, the most important is to see the vitality and energy of the "line".

2.The quality and character of the use of lines by Shen Weiguang.

The quality of the use of lines determines the character, and the character reflects the quality in turn, and both complement each other. The quality is texture and size. Actually in terms of quality, Shen Weiguang's “line” is like an iron fist in a velvet glove and a needle hidden in silk floss. It is mellow, powerful, and full of spirit. The size can be large or small, thick or thin, long or short, and it’s capricious. It is not deliberate, not sculpted, and self-satisfied. The expression of character makes Shen Weiguang’s calligraphy quality simple and plain, elegant and moist. This is the main beam which supports his "Repeated Characters" Calligraphy.

I just said, every line created by Chinese calligrapher is the crystallization of their great efforts, and a verification of their identity. So I think this is related with Shen Weiguang’s writing and calligraphy. So, I think that Shen Weiguang’s “Repeated Characters” Calligraphy, especially the use of the lines, is not only the testimony of his identity as a Buddhist disciple, but also a cultural inheritor and literati.

The “Chinese Line” and the lines in the “Repeated Characters” Calligraphy are so various, and have a long history. How sincere it is!

On May 24th, 2023.

In Caolv Study.


你好 144cm×76cm 水墨纸本 2023

笑 144cm×76cm 水墨纸本 2021

累 140cm×70cm 水墨纸本 2021

贪 141cm×70cm 水墨纸本 2020

放下 180cm×97cm 水墨纸本 2021

了生死 140cm×70cm 水墨纸本 2023

无挂碍 138cm×70cm 水墨纸本 2021

吉祥如意 140cm×69.5cm 水墨纸本 2021

乐 178cm×97cm 水墨纸本 2023

坐 89cm×70cm 水墨纸本 2023

一真一切真 144cm×76cm 水墨纸本 2023

心作心是 140cm×70cm 水墨纸本 2021

一花一世界 180.5cm×97cm 水墨纸本 2021

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